Are You a TBS Member?
TBS Members save money to TBS events and have access to discounts and giveaways! Give the gift of membership to the Toronto Blues Society and you will be giving all year long!
Become a TBS Member Today! Have the Maple Blues Magazine delivered right to your door each month. Meet like-minded blues lovers and help keep the blues alive in Toronto. The Toronto Blues Society offers several different membership options:
CHARTER MEMBERSHIP – $50/year – Monthly Maple Blues Newsletter, membership card, DISCOUNTS to TBS Events, exclusive access to special TBS events, other discounts, and voting rights.
FAMILY MEMBERSHIP – $70/year – Same privileges as Charter membership for a maximum of two adults and two children under 19.
INSTITUTIONAL or BENEFACTOR MEMBERSHIP – $125/year – Same privileges as Charter membership, plus more – Please inquire.
GENERAL MEMBERSHIP – $35/year – Monthly Maple Blues Newsletter sent in fourth class mail
STUDENT MEMBERSHIP – $20/year – Same benefits as CHARTER membership (please include student card number)
Contact the TBS office today! |