Toronto Blues Society | » Where It’s At! – December 5, 2013

Where It’s At! – December 5, 2013

Published December 5, 2013 in Where It's At

In this issue…
• This Saturday: TBS Christmas Party and AGM!
• Tonight: Jake Chisholm at the Gladstone!
• Broadcaster Danny Marks Hosts Cities In Blue
• CD Release: CanadAfrica at Lula Lounge
• Maple Blues Awards Charter Member Discount
• TBS Mississippi Trip April 6-13, 2014!
• Donate to TBS
• Concert Notes
• Dan Aykroyd Wines

This Saturday: TBS Christmas Party and AGM!

You are cordially invited to join us this Saturday at the TBS Christmas Party! The event will take place at the Eaton Chelsea Monarchs Pub on Saturday December 7 starting at 9pm. Christmas cookies will be served and entertainment will be provided by the great Jerome Godboo Band!

The Annual General Meeting is open to current Charter Members and will take place at 7pm in the *New Location* Carlyle Roomon the 3rd floor (signs will be posted). The Volunteer Appreciation will begin at 8:30pm. 

Tonight: Jake Chisholm at the Gladstone!

The Toronto Blues Society presents the best in blues talent the first Thursday of each month at the Melody Bar in The Gladstone Hotel. Performances are free to the public, begin at 9pm, and the Gladstone has an excellent menu if you arrive for the show early! Jake Chisholm (pictured) performs tonight, Thursday December 5, in this season’s final show in the Gladstone Series!

Broadcaster Danny Marks Hosts Cities In Blue

Award-winning Musician/Broadcaster Danny Marks (pictured) hosts Cities In Blue, an 8-part television series that explores the key sounds of blues music and how each developed in Chicago, Kansas City, Mississippi, Memphis, New Orleans, Texas, New York City and the Piedmont region. Airing this month on HIFI TV. Cities In Blue on YouTube / /

“Cities In Blue takes you to the heart of the blues on the scenic route, with stories and song.”


CD Release: CanadAfrica at Lula Lounge

Borealis Records celebrates the release of CanadAfrica’s new CD “where’s the one?” — a meeting and collaboration of two passionate musicians: Canadian Mike Stevens and Ghanaian Okaidja Afroso.

On “where’s the one?” these two master musicians have created a place for the complex interlocking rhythms of Africa to meet with the soulful and rich melodies of North American blues and country. The melding of these two musical cultures has created new music that is truly stunning.


Featuring Mike Stevens on harmonica and vocals and Okaidja Afroso on guitar, cajon, gyil (wooden xylophone), gourd and vocals.Wednesday, December 11 / Lula Lounge / 8pm / $20 at the door /

Maple Blues Awards Charter Member Discount

A limited number of discount tickets for the annual Maple Blues Awards at Koerner Hall on Monday January 20 are on sale now. If you are a Charter Member and would like to purchase the best available tickets at the lowest discount ($28), email to retrieve the password to give to the RCM box office / 416-408-0208

TBS Mississippi Trip April 6-13, 2014!

The Toronto Blues Society is planning a blues trip to MississippiApril 6-13, 2014! Insight Travel (TICO insured) is helping produce an irresistible package for those who always wanted to visit the Deep South. The trip will be hosted by Mark “Bird” Stafford(pictured) and will feature total immersion in Mississippi culture. Highlights of the trip will include the Juke Joint Festival, the Civil Rights Museum and a visit to the Blues Foundationheadquarters in Memphis, TN!

$200 deposits are now being accepted for the Mississippi Blues Trip 2014! To process your deposit and guarantee your seat, please contact TBS head office and they will be able to assist you further.

Thank you to everyone who has expressed interest. The itinerary is almost complete and will be made available shortly.

Departs: April 6-13, 2014

Price: $1895 per person (Air travel not included)

Donate to TBS

Make a donation to the Toronto Blues Society! The TBS is now a registered charitable organization and is able to issue tax receipts to donations made beyond membership and merchandise. Your generousity will assist the ongoing operations of the Toronto Blues Society such as the Blues in the Schools program, workshops, the Women’s Blues Revue, the Maple Blues Awards, the Maple Blues Newsletter and more. Donate here:

Charitable #: 87487 7509 RR0001

Concert Notes

Leon Redbone (pictured) – Hugh’s Room – Dec 6/7  |  TBS Christmas Party – Eaton Chelsea Monarchs Pub – Dec 7  |  Charles Bradley – Centre in the Square – Dec 11  |  Charles Bradley – Kool Haus – Dec 12  |  Steve Strongman – Roselawn Centre – Dec 12  |  Have a Bluesy XMas w/Etta James featuring Shakura S’Aida, Jesse Whiteley, Danny Marks, Sabrina Weeks, Carolyn Fe, Cheryl Lescom – Hugh’s Room – Dec 16/17  |  Suzie Vinnick – Hugh’s Room – Dec 28  |  TBS Maple Blues Awards – Koerner Hall – Jan 20  |  Mavis Staples – Koerner Hall – Feb 7  |  Jack de Keyzer – Annandale Country Club – Feb 14  |  Matt Andersen – Massey Hall – March 1  |  David Wilcox – Hugh’s Room – March 22  |  Rik Emmett – Annandale Country Club – Mar 28  |  Buddy Guy – Massey Hall – April 4  |  David Gogo – Annandale Country Club – Apr 25  | George Thorogood & The Destroyers – Massey Hall – May 15

Dan Aykroyd Wines

The TBS would like to welcome Dan Aykroyd Wines as the newest year round sponsor. You may be seeing their logo more often and there may even be some wine tastings at TBS events like the one that occurred at the Maple Blues Awards.

Donate Join TBS Volunteer

©2025 Toronto Blues Society. Design by Janine Stoll Media.
TBS logo and WBR artwork by Barbara Klunder

The Toronto Blues Society acknowledges the annual support of the Ontario Arts Council, the City of Toronto through the Toronto Arts Council and the Department of Canadian Heritage, and project support from FACTOR< and the Government of Canada through the Department of Canadian Heritage (Canada Music Fund) and of Canada’s Private Broadcasters, The Canada Council for the Arts, the SOCAN Foundation, SOCAN, the Ontario Media Development Corporation, and the Ontario Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport.