Loose Blues News – July 2019
Amy Louie Grossman’s Music Scholarship: Grossman’s Tavern is pleased to announce that the applications are open for the annual Amy Louie Grossman’s Music Scholarship (ALGMS), from June 10, 2019 until September 13, 2019. The winner will be announced at their fundraiser on Tuesday, September 24th, 2019, 7pm at Grossman’s Tavern. Musicians or bands interested in applying for the ALGMS are asked to fill out a proposal, highlighting what they plan to do with the funding. The ALGMS scholarship is valued at $2,000 CAD.
Previous winners of the ALGMS include Jerome Godboo, Chloe Watkinson, Bad Luck Woman & Her Misfortunes, Dan McKinnon and The Swingin’ Blackjacks. Details http://www.grossmanstavern.com/?p=4207
Castro’s under Threat: Anthony Greene, owner of Castro’s in the Beaches writes, “We just got fined this afternoon. The city is trying to put an end to live music at Castro’s…$500, but they’ll just keep coming. We are being targeted now. Inspector said he expects to be back.”
Castro’s Lounge is the only east end bar that supports live music every day of the week and has done for over 15 years. Apart from that, the quality of the music there is unique in The Beach. After the debacle of losing the historic Matador over bureaucratic bumbling, the Music Office would be well advised to make some small gesture to the already struggling “indy” music community by not overreacting to single complaints from one curmudgeon. Otherwise, just take down that sign and stop calling this a “music city.” Maybe call it a “basketball city”…
Congrats to Myles Goodwyn: Myles Goodwyn, winner of numerous awards over the years as leader of April Wine, must be especially pleased to get a nod for his latest blues project, Myles Goodwyn and Friends of the Blues. His album of the same name received the East Coast Music Award for Blues Recording of the Year. There will be a follow up “Friends of the Blues” album coming out this summer.
Comings and goings: Alleycatz “Blues In The Alley” featuring Big Groove is taking a summer break as is Brian Blain’s Campfire Jam at the Old Mill. Julian Fauth’s Fridays will be interrupted as the Senator Wine Bar closes for renovations in August. All three will be back in September. Meanwhile, Terry Wilkins’ Saturday residency at the Rex will feature “Uncle Bass” and a different band every Saturday noon. Paul Reddick & Friends’ Wednesdays at Sauce continue all summer.