Loose Blues News – December 2017
Blues at FolkNorth:
Folk Music Canada is presenting the second edition of their FolkNorth Conference and Showcase on Dec 1-4 and we are happy to note that they have seen fit to include some blues content including showcase appearances by Shakura S’Aida and Samantha Martin and Delta Sugar (after all, blues IS folk music). The showcases will be happening at the Supermaket and Adelaide Hall and the conference hotel is the Sheraton Centre Toronto. The conference attracts talent buyers from across the country as well as the U.S. and U.K. Registration is open to all industry members and artists who wish to participate. Visit www.folknorth.ca/registration
The host hotel for the four-day export event is the Sheraton Centre Toronto. Programming will focus on business meetings, panels and workshops, as well as afternoon and evening showcases. Performers will take the spotlight nightly from 6 to 10 pm at well known Toronto venues The Supermarket (Friday and Saturday) and Adelaide Hall (Sunday). www.folknorth.ca Folk Music Canada President Shoshona Kish is eager to see the second edition of FolkNorth get underway, saying, “Canada is a diverse nation and rich in talent. FolkNorth allows us to continue to build resources and awareness for and about our artists, enables us to share our wealth of talent, learn from one another and foster relationships that last a lifetime.”
Blues on the Beach:
When you think Jamaica – you smile and say … sunshine.When you think Jamaican music – you think Bob Marley. But in 2012, a group of Canadian blues artists changed all that. The Blues arrived in Jamaica. What happened was witnessed in 2012 by 60 Canadian travellers who took part in the project and 8 musicians who brought the proverbial house down. Jack de Keyzer, Jerome Godboo, Cheryl Lescom were brought down by Dawn Fairbanks, current travel agent, former booking agent. Now celebrating their 6th year in 2017, Dawn has much to say. “For those that were lucky enough to hang with Chuck Jackson during the years he made us the talk of the island. Mr Entertainer indeed,” Dawn explains, “So much fun … add to the mix Douglas Watson, Pete Temple and a quick visit by Thomas Buck Nasty, the blues is alright. Paul James on the 7 mile strip of white sand, Tim Lewis, Tyler Yarema and/or Jesse O’Brien on the keys … ”
2017 was made stronger with the addition of Jay Douglas and Brant Parker with his band of amazing musicians. For 2017 the new forever home is Mangos Boutique Beachfront in Trelawny, only about 20 minutes from the Montego Bay Airport. Ninety five rooms, exactly perfect for an intimate experience, with personality and flair. Healing gardens and cobbled pathways made the unique experience complete for Blues in Jamaica. Working directly with local Jamaicans, Dawn works with local drivers in towns and villages and from resorts, and hires personal private coaches and drivers from Jamaica Tours, a great family owned operation in Jamaica, to make certain that everyone is met and greeted and driven to each destination, super roadies.” The new guests of honour are Blues Boss Kenny Wayne, George Oliver and Lance Anderson, coupled with the always fabulous Jerome Godboo and Miss Cheryl Lescom. Dawn says, “we’re getting bigger and bigger with your help, your loyalty – many of you have done all trips – and I’m inspired to find new locales to intrigue you!” Dawn is also organizing blues getaways to Mexico with Kenny Blues Boss Wayne, David Gogo and Rita Chiarelli and Sweet Loretta (see Blues South ad on page 15). Dawn can be reached at 519-265-6422 or bluessouth2017@gmail.com
Down the road in Negril is a more modest operation that has grown from Ottawa musician Terry Gillespie’s Jamaican connections. He and partner Kathy have made Negril their winter headquarters for the last few years and have linked up with the Jamaican owned and operated Half Moon Beach Private Boutique Resort which provides very affordable beachside cottages and a good dose of blues music, at least when Terry’s around. For information, contact Kathleen Gillespie halfmoonbeachja@gmail.com
JUNO Update:
Diamond-certified recording artist Michael Bublé has been announced as the host for the 2018 JUNO Awards, broadcasting live on CBC from the Rogers Arena in Vancouver, BC, on Sunday, March 25. Tickets go on sale this Friday at 10am PST. The JUNO Awards also revealed an extension to the long-time partnership between CARAS and TD Bank Group, which will contribute $1.875 million to MusiCounts over the next three years.
Toronto Blues Clubs get a nod:
The blues are alive and well in the Great White North. Ticket reseller Clickitticket has published a list of the top 35 blues clubs in Canada and Toronto figures prominently, though as they mention in their disclaimer, venues were selected on the quality of blues they were presenting rather than exclusively blues venues (as if…). “We only included venues that steadfastly believe the blues is an important and necessary art form. The following clubs don’t book blues musicians to appease their bottom line, they book blues musicians to appease their soul.”: The Cadillac Lounge, Gate 403, Grossman’s Tavern, Hugh’s Room Live,The Linsmore Tavern, N’Awlins Jazz Bar & Grill, The Orbit Room, The Rex and Alleycatz, home of the Wednesday Midtown Blues Jam hosted by Andrew “VooDoo” Walters.
Musicians Take Note:
The City of Toronto will host another free panel entitled Meet The Funders – Toronto Music Panel on Monday, December 4 at The Hideout (423 College St.), regarding applying for music-related funding. This event is tailored to musicians, music producers, and those working in the music sector. The panelists will represent organizations like the Canada Council for the Arts, Canadian Heritage, the City of Toronto Music Office, FACTOR, Ontario Arts Council, OMDC, Toronto Arts Council, and SOCAN. The panel will be followed by a Q&A, and a performance by local artist Brooklyn Doran
This Just In – Grammy Blues Nominees: Congrats to the blues nominees. Best Traditional Blues Album: Migration Blues – Eric Bibb; Elvin Bishop’s Big Fun Trio – Elvin Bishop’s Big Fun Trio; Roll And Tumble – R.L. Boyce; Sonny & Brownie’s Last Train – Guy Davis & Fabrizio Poggi; Blue & Lonesome – The Rolling Stones
Best Contemporary Blues Album: Robert Cray & Hi Rhythm – Robert Cray & Hi Rhythm; Recorded Live In Lafayette – Sonny Landreth; TajMo – Taj Mahal & Keb’ Mo’; Got Soul – Robert Randolph & The Family Band; Live From The Fox Oakland – Tedeschi Trucks Band. Winners will be announced on the TV broadcast, Sunday January 28 www.grammy.com
Keeping the Blues Alive:
In conjunction with the 2018 International Blues Challenge, The Blues Foundation will honor12 individuals and organizations with its 2018 Keeping the Blues Alive Awards during a recognition luncheon Friday, January 19, 2018 beginning at 11 a.m. at the Doubletree Hotel in Memphis. As determined by a select panel of blues professionals, the KBA Awards are presented annually, honoring those who make significant contributions to the genre.
Congratulations to the 2018 Keeping the Blues Alive Awards recipients: Gary And Gillian Atkinson, United Kingdom; Jonas Bernholm, Stockholm, Sweden; Bluesfest Byron Bay, Byron Bay, Australia; Blues Society Of Omaha, Omaha, Ne; Chesapeake Bay Blues Festival, Chesapeake Bay, Md; Lucky Clark, Maine; European Blues Union; Tim Fik, Gainesville, Fl; Brian Kelm, Salt Lake City, Ut; Poor House Bistro, San Jose, Ca; Albertina Wassenhove, Mishawaka, Indiana; Rueben Williams, Larose, La.