Toronto Blues Society | » HOROJO Trio Exclusive Album Premiere & Ticket Contest

HOROJO Trio Exclusive Album Premiere & Ticket Contest

Enjoy The Toronto Blues Society’s
Exclusive Premiere listening session to
on Monday March 28 2022

Plus Win tickets for two to see a live performance by HOROJO TRIO at special album launch show at Toronto’s Cameron House (Back Room) on Saturday, April 2.

To Enter: send an email to: , with “HOROJO TRIO” as the subject line

Deadline for tickets:
Entries must be submitted by 11:59am on Tuesday, March 29

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©2025 Toronto Blues Society. Design by Janine Stoll Media.
TBS logo and WBR artwork by Barbara Klunder

The Toronto Blues Society acknowledges the annual support of the Ontario Arts Council, the City of Toronto through the Toronto Arts Council and the Department of Canadian Heritage, and project support from FACTOR< and the Government of Canada through the Department of Canadian Heritage (Canada Music Fund) and of Canada’s Private Broadcasters, The Canada Council for the Arts, the SOCAN Foundation, SOCAN, the Ontario Media Development Corporation, and the Ontario Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport.