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Maple Blues Newsletter

September 2018 – Chloe Watkinson

Chloe Watkinson will be a featured vocalist at the 32nd Women’s Blues Revue at Roy Thomson Hall November 16

August 2018 – Dione Taylor

Dione Taylor will be a featured vocalist at the 32nd Women’s Blues Revue at Roy Thomson Hall November 16th

July 2018 – Suzie Vinnick

Suzie Vinnick will be a featured vocalist at the 32nd Women’s Blues Revue at Roy Thomson Hall on November 16th.

June 2018 – Shakura S’Aida

Shakura S’Aida will host the 32nd Women’s Blues Revue at Roy Thomson Hall November 16th

May 2018 – Alana Bridgewater

Alana Bridgewater as May Rainey at Soulpepper

April 2018 – Monkey Junk wins JUNO

Monkey Junk wins Blues JUNO

March 2018 – Suzie Vinnick

Suzie Vinnick will release her brand new album at Hugh’s Room April 4th

February 2018 – Maple Blues Awards Winners

Maple Blues Awards Winners

January 2018 – Matt Anderson

Matt Andersen will be performing at Maple Blues Awards

December 2017 – Shoshona Kish

ShoShona Kish will host the Maple Blues Awards

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©2024 Toronto Blues Society. Design by Janine Stoll Media.
TBS logo and WBR artwork by Barbara Klunder

The Toronto Blues Society acknowledges the annual support of the Ontario Arts Council, the City of Toronto through the Toronto Arts Council and the Department of Canadian Heritage, and project support from FACTOR< and the Government of Canada through the Department of Canadian Heritage (Canada Music Fund) and of Canada’s Private Broadcasters, The Canada Council for the Arts, the SOCAN Foundation, SOCAN, the Ontario Media Development Corporation, and the Ontario Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport.

Toronto Blues Society