Toronto Blues Society | » Blues Summit FAQ

Blues Summit FAQ

Below are some frequently asked questions about Blues Summit. If you can’t find the information you are looking for, feel free to call the Toronto Blues Society office at 1-866-871-9457 (416-538-3885 in Toronto) or email The TBS Office at


Q: What is Blues Summit?
A: Blues Summit is Canada’s not-to-be-missed biennial forum for all members of the blues music community including artists, presenters, festival bookers, managers, agents, journalists, radio hosts and industry representatives of all kinds. The conference provides an opportunity for members of the community to connect as well as for artists to showcase in front of blues industry professionals.

Q: When/Where Is The Next Blues Summit?
: Blues Summit 11 will take place FEBRUARY 9 – FEBRUARY 12, 2024 in Toronto, ON, Canada at the Chelsea Toronto Downtown (33 Gerrard Street, Toronto).  All Blues Summit activities will be presented inside the hotel. Blues Summit 10 will close with the 27th Annual Maple Blues Awards at the Phoenix Concert Theatre on Monday, February 12, 2024.  

Q: What are the Covid Protocol and rules you will be following?
A: Find Updated Chelsea Hotel Covid Protocols here


Q: How/when can I register for Blues Summit 11?
A: Registration to Blues Summit 11 is now open! Click here for more info.

Q: Can I register directly through the Toronto Blues Society?
A: No. All Blues Summit 11 registrations must be processed via Ticketpro.

Q: Is there a registration fee?
A: Yes. A fee of $3.75 CAD is added to each registration to cover the cost of Ticketpro’s service, including processing and managing all registrations before the conference, as well as being on site for the duration of Blues Summit to manage delegate badge pick-up, on-site registration, lost badges, etc.

Q: What if I can’t afford the registration costs?
A: If you would like to attend the conference but are on a tight budget, we encourage you to apply to join our great team of volunteers. Volunteers put in 12 hours of volunteer time over the weekend (approx. 3 hours per day) and in exchange receive a complimentary conference registration.                                                                                Send email to


Q: Does my Blues Summit 10 registration include a ticket to the Maple Blues Awards?
A: No. Tickets to the 27nd Annual Maple Blues Awards must be purchased separately here. TBS Charter Members can contact TBS Office to retrieve their promo code.


Q: What is a showcase?
A: A showcase is a condensed (approx. 30 minute) performance which allows artists to perform a short set of music for other conference delegates. 32 showcasing artists/groups will be selected to perform at Blues Summit 11. For a list of previous delegates, click here.

Q: How can I apply to showcase at Blues Summit 11?
A: Digital showcasing applications will be accepted throughout until Sunday, October 1, 5pm (EST time). Showcasing artists are selected by jury.

Q: How much does it cost to showcase?
A: A $10 (for TBS Charter Members) or $20 (for non-members) showcase application fee is required in order to apply to showcase. Each artist/group will receive ONE complimentary registration to the conference and receive a small honorarium to help cover any associated costs.

Q: When will Blues Summit 11 showcases be presented?
A: Blues Summit will present a selection of artists to showcase in front of conference delegates on Friday, Saturday and Sunday evening of the conference.

Q: Are showcases open to the public?
A: Depending on total registration we may offer a3-Night-Packages of “Showcase Only” Tickets are available to TBS Charter Members only.


Q: What is a drop box?
A: Drop boxes are free receptacles requested by radio hosts, journalists, artistic directors, and other industry “buyers” who are seeking new music. Those looking to book artists, write reviews or discover music for a radio show or station are encouraged to request a drop box where artists, agents, and managers will place promotional packages (ex. CD/one-sheet). Each drop box is personalized and artists/managers/agents can select.

Q: What can I put in a drop box?
A: Most sellers leave a copy of a recent recording (full album, demo) accompanied by a one-sheet.

Q: Who can request a drop box?
A: Drop boxes are for industry professionals who are looking to hear music for the purposes of reviewing, booking artists or distribution. They are designed for industry professionals who are attending Blues Summit with the intent of discovering new music/talent for bookings, reviews, or radio play. Please only request a drop box if you are an artistic director, festival representative, radio host or station representative, music journalist, or other industry professional capable of helping promote the music of Canadian blues musicians.

Q: How can I request a drop box?
A: To request a drop box, please contact the office with the following information before Thursday, February 8, 2024 at 5:00pm. (PLEASE NOTE: All fields are mandatory.)

  • First & Last Name
  • Description (ex. Who are you? What does your organization do? What is your radio show’s mandate?)
  • Organization/Festival/Radio Station
  • Location (City, Province/State, Country)
  • Email Address
  • Website

Q: Is there a deadline to request one?
A: Yes. All drop box requests must be received by Thursday, February 8, 2024 at 5:00pm. 

If you have any questions, please contact the office and we will be happy to assist you.


Q: How can I become a Blues Summit volunteer?
A: There is an application process for Blues Summit volunteers. Email or call the TBS office

Q: How much time/ how many shifts do I have to sign up for?
Volunteers must commit to volunteering for 12 hours (three 4-hour shifts), and to attending a mandatory orientation session before your first shift. Volunteer orientation details will be posted closer to the conference.

Q: May I attend Blues Summit events when I am not volunteering?
Yes. Volunteers have access to panels, showcases, mentor meetings and more. If there is a particular event you would like to attend, we will do our best to schedule your volunteer shifts outside the event.

Q: Can my volunteer time at Blues Summit be counted for high school volunteer hours?

Q: Do I really have to go to the volunteer orientation?
All volunteers must commit to attending an orientation session which occurs before their first scheduled shift. The orientation sessions will be offered at various times throughout the conference. The volunteer orientation will equip you with the knowledge you will need for the rest of the conference and allow you to provide better customer service.

Donate Join TBS Volunteer

©2025 Toronto Blues Society. Design by Janine Stoll Media.
TBS logo and WBR artwork by Barbara Klunder

The Toronto Blues Society acknowledges the annual support of the Ontario Arts Council, the City of Toronto through the Toronto Arts Council and the Department of Canadian Heritage, and project support from FACTOR< and the Government of Canada through the Department of Canadian Heritage (Canada Music Fund) and of Canada’s Private Broadcasters, The Canada Council for the Arts, the SOCAN Foundation, SOCAN, the Ontario Media Development Corporation, and the Ontario Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport.